Sister: My wedding is in a month!!!
Me: AAAAH, awesome, congratulations!!! But I didn’t know you were even dating someone A week before the wedding, I asked her:
Me: “You didn’t forget my invitation, did you?”
Sister: “Sorry, but you’re not invited…”
She slammed the door and left.
On the wedding day, I get a call from a mutual friend.
I rushed to the wedding and saw my boyfriend in a wedding tuxedo.
My mom, dad, and the whole family were also there. Sister: “Oh, you came. The truth is, your boyfriend is my husband now…

Is it okay to share everything with your partner?

If you’re sensible you wouldn’t ? ,
The price of wisdom sometimes is pain. Either you pay the price or the person who shared the wisdom with you already paid it ,
Your woman can never get enough of your words . If you’re arguing with someone who relies on emotion instead of logic, you’ll never ever win , even if you’re right ,
Boundaries come in here , you’ve the right to privacy . Setting boundaries is difficult but important for peace ,
You can’t fix your partner . You can fix yourself. Nevertheless, one must make a conscious choice to live each day with honour, integrity , perseverance & gratitude in a relationship,
Many times we try to do something nice for someone & it turns on wrong . Why ?? What you think someone will appreciate & what that person actually prefers may be totally different. One of the difficulties in every relationship is to understand what’s important for people ,
Your pain & frustration in life are not her fault. There has to be difference between privacy & secrecy . You need to stop telling her everything that’s going on in your life,
It’s important to share your inner-world with your partner. We can’t assume they know our thoughts , fears , & dreams but when you start sharing everything, this energy can often spill out in unintentional & displaced ways ,
It’s easy to complain, find flaws , be a pessimist . However , this is not where relationships thrive,
Just Chill.!!