#love #hurt #tear – Write Horizon https://writehorizon.com Make Your Day Fri, 21 Feb 2025 07:12:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://writehorizon.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/cropped-Black-Vintage-Emblem-Tree-Logo-1-32x32.png #love #hurt #tear – Write Horizon https://writehorizon.com 32 32 231211893 I Found a Hidden Note My Boyfriend’s Ex Left Before Their Breakup — After Showing It to Him, I… https://writehorizon.com/i-found-a-hidden-note-my-boyfriends-ex-left-before-their-breakup-after-showing-it-to-him-i/ Fri, 21 Feb 2025 07:12:21 +0000 https://writehorizon.com/?p=114320 I Found a Hidden Note My Boyfriend’s Ex Left Before Their Breakup — After Showing It to Him, I Reached Out to Her, and It Changed My Life

I thought I was in a happy relationship until I found a hidden note from my boyfriend’s ex. At first, I assumed it was just bitter revenge. But as I read it, my blood ran cold because every word she wrote wasn’t just my imagination. It was a nightmare I had to escape before it was too late.

It’s funny how something as simple as a crumpled old note can shake your entire world. And by funny, I mean the kind of gut-punch irony that makes you question every decision you’ve made for the last two years.

I was just cleaning that day. That’s it. I was wiping down shelves, clearing out cabinets — nothing dramatic. But then, tucked behind a stack of forgotten junk, I found a note, pinned to a picture of a woman I’d never met:

“Dear Matt’s Future Girlfriend,

I know it’s you reading this because he’d never clean back here. I’m putting this here because I’m leaving him soon and want to warn you about him:

1) He will not clean.

2) He will not listen.

3) He will make everything feel like it’s YOUR fault.

It’s not your fault, he’s just an incompetent man. I’m leaving him, I suggest you do the same.

Best wishes, Teresa.

(PS: That’s me in the picture & I’m really happy now after breaking up with this unhygienic stinky bomb ;))”

I stared at it, the words practically pulsing off the page.

Something told me she wasn’t lying because Matt always put off cleaning. We were together for two years and had been living together for eight months.

Whenever I asked him to take out the trash, wipe down the counters, or pick up his own soiled socks, he’d mumble excuses like, “I’m busy right now… I’ll do it later.”

But “later” never came. Dishes sat in the sink until I caved and washed them. Trash piled up. And laundry went unfolded.

My hands trembled as I held the note. “How many times have I made excuses for him?” I whispered to myself, tears welling up.

“How many times have I diminished my own feelings just to keep the peace?”

I told myself it wasn’t a big deal, that he was just forgetful. But now, staring at this note, I wasn’t so sure.

When Matt got home, I held up the note.

“What the hell is this?” I asked.

His face darkened the second he saw Teresa’s name and picture. Without hesitation, he ripped the paper from my hands, crumpled it, and tossed it toward the trash.

“Rachel, don’t even start. She’s crazy. You have no idea what I went through with her.”

“Okay, but… is any of it true?”

He scoffed. “She’s just trying to get in your head. You’re seriously listening to this?”

I crossed my arms. “I mean, Matt… the cleaning thing? It’s not nothing. I hadn’t really put it together until now, but you’ve been doing less and less. And you never cleaned back there. That’s how I found it.”

His jaw tightened. “You weren’t complaining before.”

“Because I didn’t realize how much I was letting slide.”

“Do you hear yourself right now?” His voice rose, making me flinch. “Two years together, and you’re going to let some bitter ex’s note destroy everything we’ve built?”

“Built? What exactly have we built, Matt? A relationship where I do everything while you contribute nothing?”

“Nothing?” He slammed his hand on the counter, making me jump. “I pay half the rent, don’t I? I buy groceries sometimes. What more do you want from me?”

“I want a partner! Not someone I have to mother!”

He ran a hand through his hair, already exasperated. “For heaven’s sake, Rachel, you’re really gonna let my crazy ex manipulate you like this? This isn’t about cleaning… it’s about her trying to mess with me. And you’re letting her.”

His words hit me like a slap. This wasn’t about Teresa. This was about us. But Matt refused to see it that way.

When I left to stay at a friend’s place that night, his last text was:

“I’m sorry you felt like you had to leave. But seriously, Rachel? You’re choosing a note over our relationship? Over me? Over our pets?”

I didn’t answer.

The next morning, I returned and tried to reason again. I wanted to be fair and logical. I even made a list of all the times I had to remind him to clean up after himself.

“You’re keeping a list now?!” He mocked. “God, Rachel. You sound just like HER.”

I froze. “Just like her? You know what? Forget it,” I said, grabbing my coat

“Where are you going?”

“Away from this conversation.”

When I stepped toward the door, he moved in front of it.

“You’re NOT leaving,” he said, his voice low and threatening.

My heart hammered against my ribs. “Move, Matt. Now.”

“Not until you listen to me.” He stepped closer, his breath hot on my face. “You’re being ridiculous. This isn’t you, Rachel. This isn’t us.”

“Maybe this is exactly who I am,” I whispered, my voice stronger than I felt. “Maybe I’m finally seeing clearly for the first time.”

His eyes flashed with something unreadable, something I didn’t like. But after a long, tense beat, he stepped aside. That was the moment I knew I was done.

I called my brother and told him to meet me at the apartment after Matt left for work. I needed backup while I grabbed my things.

While I packed, I left a little note of my own, tucking it right where Teresa’s had been.

“Dear Matt,

Clean your dirty house.

Best wishes,


It was petty. But at least I kept it short and to the point.

That night, I lay awake in my friend’s guest room, the ceiling fan humming above me. My mind wouldn’t shut off. Who was Teresa? What had her relationship with Matt actually been like?

I grabbed my phone and searched her name online. It took a little digging, but I found her on social media. Her profile picture showed her on a beach nearby, smiling, sun-kissed, glowing… and happy.

I hesitated, then typed out a message.

“Hi Teresa. You don’t know me, but I think I just found your note at Matt’s place.”

She replied an hour later.

“Oh wow. I was wondering if someone would ever find it. Do you want to meet up?”

I didn’t even hesitate. “Yes. Coffee tomorrow? At Black Coffee Beanz?”

Meeting Teresa was… surreal. I expected bitterness and resentment. Instead, she was warm and empathetic. She didn’t gloat or didn’t say, “I told you so.”

“I’m just glad you got out,” she said, stirring her coffee. “I know how hard it is.”

I exhaled slowly. “He made me feel crazy. Like I was overreacting.”

She nodded. “That’s what he does. It’s not just about the cleaning — it’s how he rewrites reality. And makes you second-guess everything.”

“Did he…” I paused, gathering courage. “Did he ever make you feel afraid?”

Teresa’s hand trembled slightly as she set down her cup. “The day I left, he threw a chair across the room. Not at me, but…” She met my eyes. “It was close enough.”

I swallowed hard. Because yeah. That was exactly it.
When I mentioned my pets back in Matt’s apartment, she stiffened. “Rachel… he used to get destructive when he was angry.”

I didn’t hesitate. I called my landlord that minute.

The landlord was sympathetic — especially once Teresa said she was a lawyer and offered to come with me. He agreed to let me break the lease, though I’d have to pay for August.

I didn’t mind. I’d pay triple to be done with this and get Matt out of the way. The landlord told him the apartment needed to be empty for emergency maintenance all day.

Matt texted back, “Whatever. I’m at work till 6.”

At noon, I walked in and my stomach dropped. Shattered dishes lay scattered on the floor. He’d ripped my clothes. And my pet rats’ cage was open.

I rushed over, heart pounding. “Oh my God —”

But then, movement caught my eye. Two tiny noses poked out from a shoebox. I was relieved. My beloved pets were safe. I let out a breath so shaky I had to sit down.

Teresa crouched beside me. “You okay?”

“He knew,” I whispered as I scooped up one of my little guys. “He must have known I was planning to leave. This is a message.”

Teresa squeezed my shoulder. “This is exactly why we’re here now, getting you out. You’re stronger than you know, Rachel.”

I nodded. “Yeah. Let’s just get my stuff and go.”

As we were packing, Teresa smirked and said, “So, did you find my other notes?”

I blinked. “Other notes?”

She grinned. “Oh yeah. One under the vacuum, one in the toaster.”

We checked. The vacuum note was still there. But the toaster one was gone.

I laughed. “He cleaned the toaster but not the rest of the damn apartment!”

That night, I settled into my new place, my pets curled up beside me. Teresa and I toasted to new beginnings with lemonade and takeout.

“You really saved me, you know,” I told her.

She raised her glass. “Nah. You saved yourself.”

And honestly, she was right.

Six months later, I sat in my sunlit apartment, watching my rats explore their new premium cage — a gift from Teresa, who had become an unexpected but cherished friend. The walls were clean, the floors spotless, and everything smelled of lavender and fresh air.

My phone buzzed with a text from Matt: “I miss you. I’ve changed. Please come back.”

I looked around at my peaceful home, thought about the strength I’d found, the boundaries I’d learned to set, and the friendship that had bloomed from the ashes of his manipulation.

With steady hands, I typed back: “No. But I hope you really have changed… for the next person’s sake.”

Then I blocked his number.

Teresa’s words echoed in my mind: “Healing isn’t just about leaving. It’s about staying gone and building something better.”

She was right about that too. I had built something better: a life where I didn’t have to shrink myself, where my voice was heard, and where my feelings mattered.

Sometimes the best endings come from the courage to begin again.

Lessons My Mother and Father Taught Me… https://writehorizon.com/lessons-my-mother-and-father-taught-me/ Thu, 03 Oct 2024 08:43:52 +0000 https://writehorizon.com/?p=92593 You are stronger than you know—but you can also be crueler than you realize.
The smallest words have the power to break your heart.

You will change. You’re not the same person you were three years ago, or even three minutes ago, and that’s okay—especially if you didn’t like who you were a moment ago.

People come and go. Some are like cigarette breaks, fleeting and brief. Others are like forest fires, leaving lasting marks.
You won’t truly appreciate your name until you hear someone say it in their sleep.
It’s okay not to open the curtains. Some days, the world can wait.

Never hesitate to text someone. If you love them at 4 a.m., tell them. If you still love them at 9:30 a.m., tell them again.

Have a safe place. Whether it’s your kitchen floor or the Travel section of a bookstore, find somewhere that feels like home.
You’ll have fears—spiders, clowns, eating alone—but your biggest fear will be that people see you the way you see yourself.

Sometimes, looking at someone will feel like staring into the sun. And sometimes, someone will look at you as if you are the sun. Wait for that.
You’ll learn how to sleep alone, how to avoid the cold corners of the bed, but still find ways to fill it.
Always be friends with the broken people—they know how to survive.
You can love and hate someone at the same time. You can miss them so much that it aches, yet still ignore your phone when they call.

You are good at something. Whether it’s making someone laugh or remembering their birthday, don’t let anyone tell you those things don’t matter.
You will always be hungry for love. Even when someone is lying next to you, you’ll envy the pillow that touches their cheek and the sheet that covers their skin.

Loneliness isn’t about the number of people around you, but about how many truly understand you.

People don’t always say “I love you” directly. Sometimes it sounds like, “Why didn’t you call me back?” or “Let me know when you get home.” Make sure you’re listening.
You will be okay. No matter what, you will be okay.

Mama, please live with me for a long, long time… https://writehorizon.com/mama-please-live-with-me-for-a-long-long-time/ Thu, 03 Oct 2024 08:40:34 +0000 https://writehorizon.com/?p=92586 Mom is 70. She hands me pears and apples, apologizing, “They may not look very nice, but they’re delicious. They’re organic, from our garden. Take some; I know you love them…”

And I take them. I also grab some cheese because I love Mom’s cheese. I head outside, get in my car, and leave. Once again, I’m on the go. I’m in a hurry, changing cities and time zones. I visit Mom when I can—after all my work, after coffee with friends, and a manicure at the salon.

I bring her something tasty, quickly ask how she is, what’s new, and listen patiently (as if there’s anything new with her and Dad). I can be a bit sarcastic about her problems, which seem insignificant to me, and then I rush off—running to my obligations.

Mom always tells me I’m not dressed warmly enough, that I’m not taking care of my throat, and that’s why my cough won’t go away. She’ll say I work too much and it’s time to calm down. She agrees with me that life is complicated and that it’s okay if I can’t visit her often.

Yet we live just 20 kilometers apart. I call her regularly and listen to her detailed stories about the market, about my sister who struggles alone in the countryside, about how the tomatoes didn’t bear fruit this year because of the drought, and how our cat got bitten by the neighbor’s dog…

I find it uninteresting. It seems like nothing significant happens in her life. I feel a bit angry when she complains about her ailments, and I beg her to see a doctor, but she just waves it off. But I’m not a doctor—what do I know about what medicine she should take?!

Then, all of a sudden, Mom says sadly, “Who else can I complain to if not you…”

I go silent, holding the phone, realizing how unfair I’ve been. That her bright voice on the line, all her words, and our endless debates about who is right, her grumbling, and my excuses—all of it is our life. The one that exists right here, right now.

I jump in the car and drive to her “unexpectedly.” She manages to bake some flatbreads for me, while Dad offers me a glass of our homemade wine. I can’t drink the wine; I’m driving. He drinks alone, praising his wine. We laugh…

I wrap myself in Mom’s shawl; it’s a bit chilly. She quickly tosses firewood into the stove. And once again, I’m a carefree, happy little girl. Everything is delicious. Everything is warm. And there are no problems…
Mama, please live with me for a long, long time because I can’t imagine what it’s like not to hear your voice, how it would feel without your cooking and the warmth of the home you create… I don’t know how it feels to live without you…

A Heartfelt Love Journey, Moving Tears Silently… https://writehorizon.com/a-heartfelt-love-journey-moving-tears-silently/ Thu, 11 Jan 2024 03:21:31 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=65189 A Heartfelt Love Journey, Moving Tears Silently…

A boy and a girl were the best of friends. They could talk and talk for what seemed like hours, spending all their time on the phone.

And when they were speaking to each other it was like there was nothing wrong in the world, they could never be unhappy or sad in those moments.

One day, the girl texted the boy and he didn’t reply which was most unusual. She tried again but to no avail. Finally, she called him but there was no answer.

An entire day passed and the boy was not available through phone or text. The girl started getting worried that something was definitely wrong.

That second night, the girl couldn’t sleep and stayed up all night worrying and crying. It was then she realized just how much the boy actually meant to her.

The next morning however, she received a call. It was the boy! She was so happy and as soon as she picked up the call…

Boy: Hey!

Girl: I’m so glad to hear from you, what happened?

Boy: I… I was… busy.

[The girl knew that something was off but she couldn’t ask.]


Boy: You know what, we should stop this. We shouldn’t talk any more.

Girl: [stunned silence] What? Why?

Boy: Sorry. Bye.

[Boy cuts the call. The girl cannot believe it, it’s as if she has lost a part of her.]

All their past conversations started flashing in front of her eyes.
She started crying, tears were streaming down her face.
She was lost and confused.
She felt broken, sad and alone.
She was standing on the roof and wanted to jump.
He was the one for her, why had he done that?
“Why?!” she yelled as loudly as she could from the roof.

Then she decided she was going to try and win him back.

[She dialled his number]

Girl: Hey

Boy: What did you call me for?

Girl: I need to say something.

Boy: Go ahead.

Girl: I wanted to say just one thing…

[Her voice choked. “He doesn’t care about me,” she thought.]

Boy: Say it!

Girl: Are you okay?


The tears were streaming down her face again. She hung up, and decided to write a note and ran out of the house with it.

[Six hours passed]

[Phone rings in boy’s room]

It’s the girls mom. She tells him that the girl got hit by a car when she was on her way to see the boy and that she’s admitted in the hospital.

The boy rushed to see her.

He reached and took her name, she opened her eyes.

Boy: Please be okay, I’m so sorry.

Girl: Why did you do that?

Boy: I have a heart condition and I don’t have many days to live. I didn’t want to hurt you.

Girl closes her eyes, never to wake up again.

Boy could not believe this has happened because of him.

10 minutes later, the boy gets a heart attack and dies from grief.

“Our greatest joy and our greatest pain come in our relationships with others.”

After letting your emotions flow and experiencing all the feelings, it’s time to reenter the world. Brush away those tears, perhaps spend a moment perusing gratitude quotes to reaffirm the positive aspects of your life (they exist, we assure you). It’s amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces.
