health hacks – Write Horizon Make Your Day Wed, 15 Nov 2023 09:14:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 health hacks – Write Horizon 32 32 231211893 5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know! Wed, 15 Nov 2023 09:14:47 +0000 5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!

1. Care For Your Eyes With The 20-20-20 Rule!

5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!
5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!

Do you stare at a computer, smartphone or laptop screen all day with no breaks? You’re putting yourself at risk of sustaining some serious eye damage. The constant strain on your eyes can produce eye fatigue. The Canadian Association of Optometrists suggests an oh-so-simple health hack to prevent serious damages: follow the 20-20-20 rule

Doctors recommend, “Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away.” See? Piece of cake.

2. Stuffy Nose No More, Use An Onion!

5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!
5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!

There’s nothing more aggravating in this world than a congested nose. Onions could help clear out all that horrible stuffiness. Simply cut raw onions and leave them on your nightstand when you sleep. Onions contain a compound called quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties that can clear out congested sinuses.

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3. Feeling Dizzy? Do This!

If you happen to be in bed and are experiencing some dizziness, place one foot on the ground below you. This is said to help your brain recalculate your position.

4. Cuss Loudly When You Get Hurt (Sorry, Mom!)

Research indicates that swearing can increase our pain tolerance and heart rate and decrease our pain perception as compared to non-swearing (7). So the next time you happen to fall down, don’t feel too guilty for dropping the F-bomb.

5. Been Having Issues Falling Asleep?

5 Brilliant Health Hacks You Need To Know!

If you’ve been having trouble sleeping, follow this simple hack: blink rapidly for 60 seconds. This can allegedly tire your eyes and help you catch some shut-eye.

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