Avoid Catching A Cold – Write Horizon https://writehorizon.com Make Your Day Wed, 01 Dec 2021 18:04:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://writehorizon.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/cropped-Black-Vintage-Emblem-Tree-Logo-1-32x32.png Avoid Catching A Cold – Write Horizon https://writehorizon.com 32 32 231211893 10 Tips Will Help You To Avoid Catching A Cold This Winter https://writehorizon.com/10-tips-will-help-you-to-avoid-catching-a-cold-this-winter/ Wed, 01 Dec 2021 18:04:40 +0000 https://alternatech.net/?p=23091 Change in seasonal and environmental factors, such as temperature, sunlight, rain, wind and humidity have a direct link with catching infectious disease easily. Cough and cold are one such disease caused by a viral infection. Although you can get cold year-round winter months are considered to be the most common ‘cold and cough season’ when the viruses that cause the disease spread more easily due to colder and dry air.

Here are a few easy home tips which can help relieve the symptoms of cold and cough efficiently.

Rest:  Having a slightly less hectic day just won’t cut it.  Your body needs lots of rest.  Drop the laptop, skip the happy hour and forget the chores.  Save your energy so your body can fight the cold. Try to get 8 hours of sleep everyday.

Drink Plenty of Fluids: Drinking fluids will help loosen congestion and keep you hydrated.  You’ll need more fluids than usual so keep a fresh cup of tea, bottles of water or a favorite juice handy at all times.  It may not be the best remedy but I am a big fan of diet ginger ale!!

Add Honey To Your Diet: Honey is an immune system builder because it  has antioxidants to help fight disease.  Drop a teaspoon of honey in your tea or try a tea or juice with honey already added.  A great option is one of Honeydrop Beverages Lemon Honey Ginger tea. It contains 100% Vitamin C and is void of all refined or artificial sweeteners. A favorite of ours is Nature’s Nate honey.

Use a Compress:  Hot or cold compresses work great for relieving sinus pressure.  Make your own with a microwaved damp washcloth (50 seconds does the trick) or use a pack of frozen veggies.

Take a Hot Shower: The warm steam will moisturize your nasal passages to making breathing easier and more comfortable.  Plus, a hot shower will relax you.

Blow Your Nose Correctly:  It’s not just about “getting the gunk out”.  Blowing too hard can rupture an eardrum or cause an earache.  To make sure you are blowing your nose correctly, hold one finger over one nostril and gently blow.

Wash Your Hands Often: During cold season, it’s not enough to just squeeze in a hand washing before exiting the restroom.  Wash your hands before meals, after blowing your nose, after making contact with others and after leaving public areas.    Don’t forget to clean under your fingernails too!  Lots of germs get stuck there. We love Method hand soap.

Replace Your Toothbrush: Your toothbrush can be a breeding ground for germs so while cold season is in full swing replace your toothbrush monthly.  After a cold, immediately toss that germy toothbrush for a fresh start!

Keep Stress in Check:  Your body will have a much easier time fighting off a winter cold without stress weighing you down.  Eliminate stressful activities from your schedule and make time for things that relax and calm you.  Yoga, reading, watching a comedy and listening to peaceful music are all great options.

Get Some Sun: Without sunlight, Vitamin D levels drop significantly in your body, which reduces immunity.  If you cannot get a daily dose of sun, try Vitamin D pills as a substitute.
