A man went to the hospital to visit his mother-in-law, who was in serious condition. On the way back the wife, very worried, asks: “So, honey?…
Browsing: Jokes
A very sick woman on her sick bed said to her husband: Honey if I die, how long would it take you before you marry a…
A husband, the owner of a new car, was somewhat reluctant to allow his wife to drive his prize possession even to the grocery store, which…
An absent-minded husband thought he had conquered his problem of trying to remember his wife’s birthday and their anniversary. He opened an account with a florist,…
WIFE: Honey let’s play a game HUSBAND: Okay. What’s the game about? WIFE: If I mention a country, you run to the left side of the…
Wife : Honey, Shall I cut my hair? Husband : Ok cut them. Wife: But I took so much efforts to grow them so long. Husband:…
A man runs into a bank, pulls out a g .un and r0bs the teller. He then turns the g .un on the on the first…
A very attractive gorgeous woman arrived and bet twenty thousand Dollars on a single roll of the dice. She said, “I hope you don’t Mind, but…
A man and a woman, who had never met before, but were both married to other people, found themselves assigned to the same sleeping room on…
Early one morning, a mother went in to wake up her son. “Wake up, son. It’s time to go to school!” “But why, Mom? I don’t…